Star Cast: Aishwarya Rajesh, Tovino Thomas, Kirthi Shetty Plot: A.R.M is a romantic fantasy adventure movie set in the Northern part of Kerala, three generations of heroes Maniyan, Kunjikelu, and Ajayan, try to protect the most important treasure of the Land..
A.R.M is a romantic fantasy adventure movie set in the Northern part of Kerala, three generations of heroes Maniyan, Kunjikelu, and Ajayan, try to protect the most important treasure of the Land..
1. Mufasa: The Lion King
2. Sonic The Hedgehog 3
3. Identity (Malayalam)
4. Nosferatu
5. Marco (Malayalam)
6. El Hana El Ana Feeh (Arabic)
7. Moana 2
8. Rifle Club (Malayalam)
9. El Mastrayaha (Arabic)
10. Bide3 Saat Fe Youm Ma (Arabic)