Release Date: 07 November 2024 Genre: Animation, Horror, Mystery Director: David Henrie
Star Cast: Mel Gibson, Lorraine Bracco Plot: When a mysterious force begins to disrupt their big summer fun, Noah and his friends team up with a retired police detective to embark on a monstrous adventure to save their island.
Release Date: 2024-11-07 Genre: Animation, Horror, Mystery Director: David Henrie Star Cast: Mel Gibson, Lorraine Bracco
When a mysterious force begins to disrupt their big summer fun, Noah and his friends team up with a retired police detective to embark on a monstrous adventure to save their island.
1. Moana 2
2. Gladiator II
3. Sookshmadarshiini (Malayalam)
4. Elevation
5. Here
6. Hello Love Again (Tagalog)
7. Red One
8. Wicked
9. Hello Mummy (Malayalam)
10. Heretic